
All good berries go to heaven — others go into blackberry ice cream

May 28, 2007


As a lover of berries, I wholeheartedly endorse eating them as God and nature intended: straight off the bush… or out of your grocer’s green quart container. And I’m a true believer: I regularly gorge myself on whole cartons of berries — and cherries, now in season! — minutes after they enter my house.

Blueberry-purple tongue? No problem. Strawberry seeds in my teeth? Who cares? Cherry juice stains on my blouse? My drycleaner loves ’em.

But, sadly, sometimes a berry-buying frenzy can result in berry casualties. That’s right: You see all those gorgeous gems stacked into sparkling pyramids in the produce department, and you can’t help yourself… you overbuy. Some berries get shoved to the back of the fridge, forgotten. Perhaps some go uneaten when you leave town for a few days. Or perhaps some were just slightly too ripe when purchased. In any case, sometimes berries go past their prime — and, shockingly, sadly, are no longer fit to consume unadulterated.

That’s where my husband’s ice cream machine comes in.

Ice cream is the perfect resting place for berries otherwise destined for the boneyard. Softened by time and ready to relinquish their luscious juices, overripe berries partner perfectly with a little cream, sugar and cold freezer air. Sure, they’re no longer as sweet or sunkissed as they once were. Yes, they have undesireable blemishes and their skin gives a little too easily. But none of these things matter when they come into contact with blissfully sweet cream.

Yes, friends, you can ressurect those past-their-prime berries. Don’t toss them into the garbage… toss them into ice cream, man.

Click here to download the recipe for Blackberry Ice Cream.


With Memorial Day now here, we can officially (in a non-official capacity since June 21 still has that whole cosmological argument) say that summer is here. From a kitchen standpoint, this is awesome. Let’s be honest — as cooks, there are two great benefits:

First, the kitchen can be closed. Things are fresh. You can create a lot of delicious dishes with just a knife and a bowl. Furthermore, you can cook outdoors — bringing in those incalculable benefits of charring and burning things over flames.

Second, everything is in season. Most fruits tend to be fresh and local for a brief period. The number and colors of ingredients explode. Pretty much everything tastes better for the next 20 or so weeks until the last of the apples start to make their way off the trees.

This recipe is an homage to one of those ingredients that is starting its brief but vibrant trip into freshness — the blackberry. While I’d recommend you eat as many of these while you can, this is a great use for those that you start to see go wrong before you can get them out fresh. Also, feel free to substitute the frozen variety.

Finally, I feel the best part of this recipe is that it is a combination of flavors I really enjoy. It is sweet, tart, tangy and smooth. It has a refreshing character that makes it great for an evening summer meal — and there are a number of those ahead.



Blackberry Ice Cream
1 quart blackberries
2 cups heavy cream
1 cup whole milk
Juice of 1 lime

3 egg yolks
1 tsp. vanilla
1/4 tsp. salt

1. Add the yolks and sugar to a medium-size bowl. Whisk together and then set aside.

2. Using a double boiler — or, less ideally, a medium-size pot — over medium-low heat, add the milk, cream, blackberries and salt. Regularly whisk the mixture, heating until the temperature reaches approximately 145F. The mixture should begin to turn purple.

3. Once the cream mixture has reached the desired temperature, slowly add about half of the mixture to the eggs and sugar while whisking vigorously. This will prevent the eggs from curdling. Once the eggs and cream have been thoroughly integrated, pour back the egg mix into the remaining cream.

4. Whisk constantly and slowly as the mix rises in temperature. Once the temperature has reached 165-170F — or when the mix evenly coats the back of a spoon — remove from heat and add the lime juice and vanilla. Whisk them in completely and move to a new container to cool. The mix can be placed in the freezer for 2 to 3 hours or, preferably, into the refrigerator overnight.

5. Churn according to your ice cream maker’s instructions. After churning, place in freezer to firm up. I recommend placing a seal of plastic wrap tight against the ice cream after making it to prevent a skin from forming on the ice cream’s surface. Serve once firm enough. Enjoy!


  1. Time to dust off my ice cream maker — this berry ice cream looks delicious!

  2. My ice cream machine is never put away, it just goes into overdrive for summer. Actually, I just but a new one and am anxiously awaiting its arrival, (i love ebay). I can’t wait to have fresh cherries for the best ice cream ever!

  3. Yummy. Ice cream always brings back those sweet childhood memories.

  4. This ice cream looks berry delicious 🙂

  5. My husband keeps threatening to buy an ice cream maker. I am afraid at the possibility of being able to make my own ice cream, my waistline may never be the same. Especially if it’s as good as this looks!
    Keep up the good work.

  6. You have blackberries in season? I’ll have to wait until August to make this delicious looking ice cream. Maybe strawberries instead…

  7. This brings back memories bigtime. My sister and I would scan the sides of the dirt driveway of my grandparents’ farm in NC for scores of blackberries. We’d run our treasure back to the farmhouse where my grandmother would sugar a few for us to eat straight away. She’d take the rest and make all kinds of heavenly concoctions. Sigh….I miss those days.

  8. I have Blackberries like crazy up along my dirt road. I just take a little walk and the black berries are right there. I have been picking them like crazy.I must have at least five pounds of them already. I just pick on picking til they’re all gone. I love blackberried so much, I’m begining to make my own desserts from them, especially blackberry cobbler. I just love them, even Strawberries and dewberries. I’ve been picking blackberries for a week and they are still ripening. I’m still picking them. Just make sure that you rinse them very well. They like to be in sandy soil and they are big ,where I’m picking them. They love it when it rains here, in Arkansas. This fall, I’m leaving Arkansas to live in California, my favorite state and even Maine. Thanks for letting my write out this comment. Just keep on picking the beautiful Blackberries.

    Jenna Gates,
    Harrisburg, Ark

  9. Wow – you don’t know how hard it is to find a blackberry ice cream recipe until you go looking for one! We went berry picking this weekend and I needed a recipe – quick! I came across this one and I’m pretty sure it was the photos that convinced me. 🙂 It was great! It was the perfect blackberry ice cream. Thank you so much!

  10. I made some icecream with mulberries and evaporated milk . It didn’t have the right consistency. This recipe should be perfect.

  11. Whoops. Looks like someone left off the sugar in the list of ingredients…..

  12. Looks delicious!
    I’ve never tried to make Icecream my self, I think i’ll give it a try!

    Easy Paella Recipe

  13. Boysenberry Ice Cream is reall nice as well.
    Japanese Ice Cream

  14. Thanks for the recipe, I just made a version of this, it was lovely.

  15. […] crisps are a little on the boring side, I found an ice cream recipe for Blackberry Ice Cream(on My Husband Cooks) that screamed make me…so I did. It just takes the homey crisp to a whole new level of […]

  16. The recipe looks good, but the amount of sugar needed is missing from the ingredient list. Any chance of adding this?

  17. How much sugar?

  18. For those curious who did not click the “download recipe” link: it says 1c. of sugar.

  19. Fantastic recipe! Received an ice cream maker for Christmas and searched for a good blackberry ice cream recipe as I had a quart on hand. Yum!

    Ironically, this is the second recipe that I have googled whose blogger is from the same area (NoVa, actually). Love the blog and the fantastic photographs!


    …whose other half eats and I do the cooking 🙂

  20. I know this post is over three years old, but I had to let you know what a fabulous recipe this is!

    I invited my mum and her partner over for dinner last night to have a meal featuring items from the garden.

    One of the things we had was about a quart of beautiful, bursting, ripe blackberries. We knew it was too much to eat plain, and didn’t want them to go to waste. We thought about just freezing them, but then I found this recipe.

    Everyone just raved and raved and raved over this ice cream. It is truly luscious!

    P.S. The sugar left out of the recipe as it appears on this page is 1 cup. The amount does appear in the .pdf version of it.

  21. This is a stupid recipe – first the sugar is not listed in the ingredients – and do you have any idea how many seeds are in blackberries? you need to strain the bleackberries first otherwise you end up with very gritty icecream. Nice pictures! All style – no content.

  22. do this instead: tried and true
    Ingredients .. .. .. ..
    500 + 300ml full cream (800ml = about 3 cups)
    300ml whole milk (1 cup and a bit extra)
    1 cup sugar
    500gm blackberries (about 2 cups)
    water (2 tblsp)
    Salt (1/4 tsp)
    Cinnamon (1/4 tsp)
    Vanilla essence (1/2 tsp).

    Blackberry Syrup ~ add Blackberries + 2 Tblspns water + 1/2 cup sugar x boil then simmer @5 minutes. Mash & strain = 1 cup syrup. set aside.

    Icrecream ~ 4 egg yolks + 1/2 cup sugar (mix & whisk) + 500ml cream (about half of total cream) + 150ml milk (aboout half milk) x simmer to almost boil) keep stirring. Add Cinnamon & Salt, then add to rest of milk and cream off heat. Return all to heat and simmer/stir until hot and thick. ADD berry syrup. whisk.
    Cool then FREEZE (2hrs), then stir/whisk every 40 minutes until thick as icecream – stupid Icecream making machines not necessary.
    Make Pumpkin Soup and talk to friends on the phone while you’re at it !
    (I got a nasty as Pumpkin Soup recipe that I just invented too)

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